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Location: Chicago, United States

I am now at the prime of my life and have been married for the past 25 years. Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita, so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Dear Auntie Patti Koh,

My wife's office mate's daughter got married today. I have to call in sick, because I am working during weekends. My off days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Plus, the girl that is going to get married is our Goddaughter. The husband comes from an Italian family from Indiana.

The service at the Catholic church was so solemn and very nice. The church is an old church that has just been renovated. I was impressed with all the murals, paintings and most of all the stained glass. The main altar is a bit crowded but in all the church is really beautiful and it is in the prime property in downtown Chicago.

Then the reception was held at Studio 501. A yuppy place and neighborhood, also in the downtown area in Chicago. The venue of the reception is at the fifth floor of an old building. It was a warehouse, but it was converted into a reception cum restaurant cum convention place. I don't have anything to say about the place, very Art Nouveau. The food is epicurian and ecclectic.

Here comes the dancing. There is a DJ on a stage, the dance floor can accommodate at at least 50 to 60 couples dancing parted away from each other. Around 70 if the couples are dancing intimately closed to each other.

I cannot understand why some women, when they are at the dance floor, they need to remove their shoes. One of the tall girl, removed her shoes, and she was really dancing with gusto. But as I look at this girl dancing on the floor, with this tall Caucasian guy, I noticed something, which I told my wife. The toes of this woman is different, and the armspit on her sleeveless dress looks different. The my wife told me this woman was a former man who had been surgical changed into a woman, and a friend of the bride. OKEY!!!!

MY friend and myself went to relieve ourselves --- me with so much cranberry juice and my friend with so much beer to drink. There are two levels of washrooms in the loft area. When we were inside the toilet --- something seems not alright with it. I was asking my friend --- how come there was no Urinal inside, the thing that you see inside the men's washroom. Then when we walked out of the washroom --- all the ladies are all staring at us.

Auntie Pattie Koh ---- I was not drunk, it was my friend so he does not care nor did he feel the stare of all these women. I felt it, cuz I was not drunk. WE ENTERED THE WOMENS WASH ROOM BY MISTAKE.


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