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Location: Chicago, United States

I am now at the prime of my life and have been married for the past 25 years. Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita, so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Dear Auntie Patti Koh,
I was at the Belmont Harbor along Lake Michigan the other day to pick up my wife from work. Since I came in early, I decided to go around the park area and see some of the activities and happenings. For some obvious reason, my attention was attracted to the noise that is coming from the area where there is an enclosed area for stunt cyclist and roller bladders. I then checked it out and see what is happening. I saw these young kids in their bikes and was amazed on how they ride their bikes on the obstacles. So I asked them if they could do some stunts and if I could take some pictures while they where doing it. They gave me the consent and I even told them that I will be posting it in my blog, so I did.
At first I was so nervous watching these kids did their stunts on all these obstacle. One of the boys approached me and told me not to worry about it, because they like doing it and they are good at it and none of them had an accident doing it. They even asked me when to shoot the picture and in what angle I should face the camera. They did all sorts of stunts and it was so unreal how they can fly up in the air with their bikes.
The Chicago Park Authority have decided to built an obstacle park for these kids so that they could practice and do their stunts in the park, instead of doing it in the streets and other places that is not patterned to what the Olympics have created for this kind of sports but in snowboards. At any rate, the park have done a good job and it was enclosed so that the bikers and the roller bladders will have their own place in this huge park.
So as I watched these kids do their stunts, my mind went back home and was thinking, if the government in the Phils. can do these kind of things, maybe the youngsters will have fun to do their own kind of sports and challenges and stunts.
And so Auntie Patti Koh, I am showing you this pictures and am trying to tell you also, how I wish I could be young again like these kids and will have all the stamina and the abilities to do such dangerous sports.
I hope you will love these pictures.
Sincerely yours,


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