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Location: Chicago, United States

I am now at the prime of my life and have been married for the past 25 years. Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita, so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Dear Auntie Patti Koh,
I had a family gathering last weekend at my sister in laws house in Wisconsin and we have lots of food to eat. Aside from the grilled salmon, steak and shrimp -- we had salad and lots of desert. One of the food stuff that was served was fresh strawberries and while we were having nice conversation and waiting for the food to be served, we were eating lots of nuts and dried fruits.
Fresh strawberries was served, my favourite and it was large, read a juicy.
I ate lots of these strawberries, not to mention the nuts and most of all the medium steak. It was after all a time for merriment and eating. So with all the cautions and scoldings of my wife, I still continued on to eat the things that was not good for me.
Come Monday morning until today Wednesday, I am having a hard time walking. My Achilles heel is aching and my knees. My Gout has finally attacked the weak parts of my legs and with all the food that I ate, I am now paying the prize. I walk with my walking stick and is having a hard time climbing up the stairs to my bedroom on this old, huge and high stairwells.
And so Auntie Patti Koh, I am again on strict diet and taking preventive medications. I just want to have fun and have a good time, that includes also good food. But I was asked by my wife to swear not to eat again these food that is giving me Gout problem, or else.....she said, she will not help me walk anymore and will remove my Cain.
Sincerely yours,


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