Dear Auntie Patti Koh,
My two boys Miki and his girlfriend Aja and my youngest son, Angelo went for a visit to see their Grandparents and attend the wedding of their cousin last August. They have not seen their grandparents for nearly 10 years and were so excited to come home and meet the entire family.
Then they decided to go to Boracay and was truly amazed by the place. They said the sand is like talcum powder and wanted to return back 2010. I am very happy that my boys are so happy with their experiences when they went back home.
They have given plenty of memories to their grandparents and to themselves. Now they wanted to learn the language and the culture, including the intentions to return back every two years to feel the closeness of their cousins and aunts and the rest of the family. They have plenty of stories to tell and they told me it was such a wonderful visit that they don't want to leave.
And so Auntie Patti Koh, I have made my two sons and the girlfriend a firm believer that closeness of family in the Philippines is not only part of the culture but inherent in the blood of each Filipinos.
Thank you for listening.